Welcome to the Second Day of the
Subliminal Master Course.
As we said in the previous e-mail, today we’ll be talking about the science behind subliminals – and we will be going in-depth. We’ll also mention links you should know to really make the most use of our websites.
State of Subliminal Research
Here’s the thing.
There has been plenty of research conducted on the topic of subconscious influence – but only a couple of studies are worth looking at. This was mostly done in a short burst of studies done around the 1980’s.
Kaser, V.A. has said the following in this paper:
“The purpose of this research was to investigate what effect an auditory subliminal message, produced by speeding up the rate at which it was recorded, would have upon the imagery and dreams of a group of normal subjects.
The auditory subliminal message was produced by speeding up a message that was sung until it could not be consciously understood. This message was mixed with a normal music recording and played to nine subjects in the experimental group. Nine subjects in the control group heard the normal music recording without the subliminal message.
Both groups were asked to produce a pretest drawing before the tapes were played, an imagery drawing immediately after the tapes were played, and a dream drawing of any dreams they might have that night. A statistical analysis was performed from data collected on blind ratings given to all the drawings by two art therapists.
The results indicated a significant difference between the dream drawings and the imagery drawings of the experimental group and the control group. When the drawings were examined, the effect of the subliminal message could be seen. Based on the statistical data and certain drawings collected in this study, it would appear that the auditory subliminal message did have an effect upon the imagery and dreams of the subjects in the experimental group.
The results of this study appear to indicate that the unconscious/preconscious mind is able to perceive a recorded verbal message that cannot be consciously understood at the high rate of speed at which it was recorded.”
The next study by E. Chakalis: “Positive Effects of Subliminal Stimulation on Memory” (1992)
Here is what E. Chakalis and G. Lowe had to say in this paper:
“To assess the effect of subliminally embedded auditory material on short-term recall, 60 volunteer subjects undertook a face-name-occupation memory test before and after a 15-min. intervention. They were randomly assigned into three groups (a control group and two experimental groups) and allocated to one of the following conditions: (1) no sound, (2) supraliminal presentation of relaxing music, and (3) subliminal presentation of memory-improvement affirmations embedded in relaxing music. After intervention, only the subliminal group significantly improved their performance on recall of names.”
Then we have a study by Parker, Kenneth A. (1982):
“60 college students, enrolled in a 6-wk undergraduate summer session law course with the experimenter-instructor, received, besides the normal instruction, subliminal stimulation before 3 out of 5 lectures each week and before and after a 10-min counseling session with the experimenter. They were divided into 3 matched groups of 20 each. Group 1 received the message “Mommy and I are one”; Group 2 the message, “My prof and I are one”; and Group 3 the neutral control message, “People are walking.” The main dependent variable was the final examination grade received by each student. Both experimental groups earned significantly higher grades than the control group. These results are consistent with those of earlier studies on schizophrenics, insect phobics, obese women, and alcoholics, which indicated that the stimulation of oneness fantasies has an adaptation-enhancing effect on behavior.”
But, let us stop you right there.
Have you noticed anything weird with these studies?
Look at the date the studies were conducted.
All these studies are over 25 years old.
That is not all.
The thing is, even if they are over 25 years old, these studies are some of the more relevant to the topic of subliminals as we know them.
In these studies you can already see that there is something that needs to be researched when it comes to subliminal technology.
The problem is…
The majority of other studies do not tackle the topic of auditory subliminals – instead, they test flashing words, images or different concepts. For example, while the study by Parker, Kenneth A. show that those students who were exposed to subliminal messaging achieved higher grades than the control group, this study was not specifically for subliminals – it was about oneness fantasies.
While you could extrapolate the idea that, if one can cause change through flashing words, images or other concepts, then you should be able to cause change through auditory subliminals – but this is a faulty leap of logic that must not be relied upon.
To be as accurate and scientific as possible, the test needs to be specifically for auditory subliminals. And this is extraordinarily rare.
Not only that, but when publishing a study one must come forth and declare any conflicts of interest – as has not been the case for a couple of studies conducted by companies that had direct financial interest in the studies. And you can check this for yourself – simply look for the publisher, authors or where the study is hosted at. We’re going to avoid sharing the links to these so as to avoid potential legal battles, but if you dig deep enough you’ll be surprised with what you can find out.
In essence, we are left with only a couple of studies that are worth looking at.
The problem is, these studies are old, dealing with technology that is so completely outdated that it is simply not a valid representation of what proper subliminal technology can accomplish. Kaser’s paper was published in 1986.
That was 36 years ago.
Fact of the matter is, you cannot rely on the majority of these studies.
You’ll see many subliminal companies citing these studies (there are quite a bit more, most of them not dealing with auditory subliminals at all, some extremely outdated and a couple with conflicted interest) as “proof” that their subliminals work.
But, not only are those studies ancient, not only are they based on old technology, but there is absolutely no correlation between those studies and the companies that cite this research – it’s not their technology.
So be wary of any company that cites this research – the state of subliminal research is currently nearly dead.
What has been shown through these studies, even though it has been many years or based on a related topic (such as flashing words), is that there is a definite effect of subliminal stimuli on the brain and mind of testers – an important piece of the puzzle that must not be ignored even by the most hardcore of skeptics.
These studies done, while they might not be directly related to the topic of modern subliminal technology, all point to the fact that there is a distinct effect that happens with subliminal input. But we must always remember that they are ultimately not good enough for our purpose of advancing human potential through cutting edge subliminals, due to how outdated they are.
Ultimately, we can take a couple of pointers and say that yes, there is indeed enough evidence to ask for further research into subliminal technology, but basing things off of outdated research, slightly related topics or research with conflicting interest is not effective in the least, and definitely not the way we do it. Copycats, uninspired and ineffective subliminal companies and producers use such research for their ends, but not us.
Not Subliminal Club.
That is why we conduct our own modern research and are leading the world in subliminal research – we aim to completely revolutionize the subliminal industry.
Subliminal Club’s Research
You might wonder – these are large claims!
That might be so, but they are grounded in truth.
Let us explain why it is so.
You see, we are the only modern subliminal company who created an independent research facility with numerous devices designed to help us track even the most minuscule changes in a tester’s state.
This includes some of the highest state-of-the-art devices of measurement — technology that is used at top universities.
And we use this facility (lovingly called “SC Labs”) in both single and double blind scientific studies. If you do not have experience in academia, single study means that only the researcher knows what the treatment is – and double blind means not even the researcher knows.
Double blind is the highest standard of scientific study and that is why we use it – there is absolutely no possibility of bias in our research, and this is backed up by the state of the art research technology we have access to.
Of course, we require testers – that is why we have numerous tester divisions. This is done in order to cover all the possible bases of subliminal research. As you can imagine, this takes quite a bit of time and money – but without this, you cannot achieve true innovation. And this is something that no subliminal company is ready to do other than us.
Of course, we also have a public forum here that is of incredible use for gathering user experiences, noticing changes and patterns that emerge, granting us access to a huge amount of information.
And we don’t stop there. Even though we are gathering absolutely massive mountains of data, we also like to conduct public online trials – mostly through the forums. One example of this is shown directly on our science page.
Finally, there are multiple other methods we use to gather data, but those we cannot disclose as they are company secrets – but rest assured, they allow us to mine some incredible data that we use to push our technology further and further.
We can safely say that our research is the most innovative, most advanced and the leading one in the subliminal market – and this would be the simple truth.
For our goal of advancing human potential, it is a necessity.
And of course, for those curious – yes, our research has proven that subliminals (at least ours) work and do so extremely well.
About Our Patents
Our technology has advanced so rapidly and demonstrated such success with our customers that we started having many copy/rip off attempts from copycat competitors and even from other companies and producers.
That is why we have started the patent process on our technology – which will allow us to fully defend ourselves from such acts.
If you have ever dealt with intellectual property law, you would know that claiming patent pending can carry hefty fines if it is a lie. We are talking thousands of dollar per infringement (and this counts per product).
The fact is, our pending patents are the only new pending patents in the whole subliminal industry in the last 10 years.
At this point, you’re probably realizing that the subliminal industry has been stagnant for a long time now.
But rest assured, your search for the most innovative, cutting edge subliminals has come to an end.
Your Beliefs
Now that we’ve gone over the state of science of subliminals, we’d like to tell you about our stance on your beliefs.
There is some fear among new customers whether subliminals (in general, not just ours) will force you to become someone you are or do things that aren’t in line with your being – akin to mind control.
We’ll be honest here.
Some companies and producers out there are happily attempting to force their users to do things or become individiuals they do not desire to be. Why? We don’t know – but it’s a good thing that the subconscious mind has inherent, powerful defenses.
If you do not end up using our subliminals, we ask that you be mindful of who you trust with your subconscious mind – it is your greatest, most powerful tool and ally. Do the necessary research before investing your mind into it.
Our approach is different.
We aim to help you become the man or woman you desire to be, the one of your greatest dreams. Not someone we personally might want you to be or by forcing you – we never, in any of our subliminals, allow our personal beliefs and wants to affect you (and we have a double-measure team that ensures this is always so, just in case).
Here’s the thing.
Any development that is forced upon you is not going to be fully effective or congruent with you (not even mentioning the ethical nightmare and how harmful to the whole subliminal industry doing that is).
It’s not going to be who you truly are.
it is your journey – you are the one walking the steps.
We are the ones that give you the tools to make the most out of it.
That is why our subliminals not only do not force any viewpoints or beliefs on you, they can be directly consciously guided. We will talk about conscious guidance in a later e-mail, but in short it is a process where you can guide the subliminal to help you in a particular way or direction through your conscious mind.
With our subliminals, you are fully in control, and you become the person you want to be.
On our subliminals, you will become legendary in your very own way – that is the Subliminal Club way of advancing human potential.
But Can Subliminals Actually Affect You?
Even after looking at the research done, you might still be skeptical.
It is normal – subliminals are often misrepresented in the subliminal industry which is rife with dubious claims, shoddy technology and research, stealing and copying between producers, little to no explanation or proof and even mislabeling under New Age.
We’ve seen it all – from pseudo “certified hypnotherapists” spreading misinformation to re-makers of subliminals that attempt to make them “better”, from subliminal producers creating the weirdest possible subliminals (such as become a mermaid subliminal) to subliminal companies that base their whole identity off of ripping others (we’ve had this happen to us multiple times).
It’s why a part of our mission is to dispel the falsehoods in the industry and push the subliminal industry as a whole forward and into the eyes of the world – which will allow us to achieve even greater breakthroughs in subliminal technology.
As a skeptic, you’ve likely thought (or are thinking right now), that there just is no plausible scientific explanation for subliminals to work.
However, subliminal technology has bases in quantum physics, biology and psychology. Many of the more spiritual seeming effects of subliminals can be viewed through the lens of quantum physics, and many of the inner effects on the body and the mind through subliminal technology can be viewed through biology and psychology.
Is that enough though?
We don’t think it is – which is why we conduct our own research.
To truly drive the subliminal market forward and establish subliminal technology as its own field, proper research must be conducted.
Anything less is either laziness or ineptitude – and we strive to revolutionize the world and help you achieve greatness.
You can check out some of our research here. It is one of our public tests that we conducted with our forum members, regarding our Ultima build method.
Daily Experience
Let’s take a look at today’s daily experience.
Here is NinjaGaizin’s experience (seen here):
Wanted/Heartsong/Sage is my current stack(alongside Love bomb Ultima) and holy shit have things been getting really eye opening…highly recommend this stack.I can’t pinpoint whether its sage or heartsong or their combination but when it comes to romance/sex/women I have never gotten more attention from girls or been more comfortable…so a few weird things I attribute to Heartsong Specifically ;
In my day to day life I notice my job surrounds me with women in situations where it could have been men. I don’t know how to describe it but its like imagine you have a meeting with a certain group and you assume that group will be full of men but it turns out to be full of women. Now imagine this happening consistently in random situations; going to the grocery store, going out at night etc
Girls trust me. Like big time and in a way where their sharing really intimate stuff with me. Not in a “friendzone” way but in a “lets connect emotionally and mentally AND physically.” When I was just on wanted I could see women attracted but since adding heartsong I swear its like girls are in LOVE/FASCINATED by me…Keep in mind, my goal with this whole stack is to become a living Romance novel character so maybe a guy with a PUA mindset just looking for sex will get a different experience…I’m not actively seducing any girl but at the risk of sounding full of myself it truly feels like every girl is trying to seduce me. Doing stuff for me, acting lovey dovey towards me, lighting up like a christmas tree when they see me, trying to talk to me for as long as possible. Its honestly getting a little overwhelming; my work superiors and teachers are giving me blatant “fuck me” eyes but more then that they keep finding ways to compliment me and give me special attention.
My perception around what I find attractive women is changing. Actually, it would be more accurate to say I am clearer on what I truly desire/admire vs what I feel expected to desire/admire. Today in class I was expressing myself uninhibitedly (the key to everything. its been made clear to me on this stack that unlearning all that alpha male bullshit and just being one hundred comfortable and present to what IS (the present) is aphrodisiac to women) and after class ending up talking to this one girl I realized i really liked because of how involved she gets in class. at one point after we introduced ourselves to each other we just stood there making unbroken face to face eye contact and smiling in this silent super intense sexually charged bubble of lust and appreciation (love may be too strong a word but honestly would work here as well)…lmao almost made out with each other in the classroom with the teacher/a few classmates standing right there
The clarity I am getting on sexual dynamics and my desire/role in the mating dance cannot be overstated. if your truly looking for more then just physical pleasure and want to experience deep lust married to a sense of love from our childhood disney channel dreams I recommend this sub wholeheartedly. I could see myself with a massive harem or a single woman and the most beautiful part is the freedom and joy and excitement I feel at seeing the possibilities of where I will end up because I am clear on this; the scenario that bestows my highest sense of joy and fufillment is the scenario I will end up in.
I could go and on but imagine feeling like all you need to do is be alone with a girl and you could charm her pants off and thats how Ive felt since adding heartsong to wanted. before with just wanted I felt embodied as a desirable man since adding heartsong I feel at one with my intention to be catnip to women. Did I mention the sheer love for women for being women I have again? Like I noticed recently I have this tremendous LOVE for women that isn’t demeaning or based on anger or a sense of conquering…I just want to soak in their energy…I mean I’m even enjoying the stuff that used to annoy me about them
also feel compelled to add these results may sound exaggerated but I assure you they are not. I’m kind of holding back…I almost kind of didnt want to share but I feel so happy and grateful for these subs I feel I have to. oh yeah one last thing; theres a guy on here who mentioned getting greater results with subs by actively visualizing yourself/inhabiting/imagining yourself actively integrating the subs. That was the best piece of advice I ever read on this forum; I truly believe if everyone did that actively DURING your rest periods you would experience stunning results. In my experience so far, these subliminals seem to stimulate a process of self transformation instead of being a magic pill; the irony being that once I started actively engaging myself in the process of self transformation I felt the subs kick in like a magic pill.
And learn more about Heartsong here.
Final Words
We’re coming to the end of the second e-mail of the subliminal master course. Our goal is to explain and educate you not only on subliminal usage, our way and our subliminals, but also on the general state of subliminals so that you yourself can make independent decisions for yourself.
We promised to give you a list of links for easy use, and here they are:
Our Main Website — https://subliminalclub.com/
You can find all our major programs here as well as testimonials, science, about us, and links to all our other websites. It is the main hub.
Our Q Website — https://q.subliminalclub.com/
Our Q website is a way for you to build your very own, AI-powered custom subliminals (remember that AI we mentioned previously – that’s the one) by mixing and matching modules and deciding on your desired strength and build method. This allows you to not only make use of the powerful name-embedding technology (we’ll talk in-depth about this later) but of other profound technologies while customizing your subliminal experience to perfectly suit you, your life and your needs.
Our Support Center — http://support.subliminalclub.com/
Here you can find the majority of our support articles. It is our support database where you can find all the answers. You can also contact us directly here with any questions you might have and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible (our usual time is 1 to 3 business days and our work time is M-F 9a – 6p EST).
Our Community Forum — https://www.subliminalresults.com/
Our highly active and friendly community (which we heartily invite you to join!) that regularly journals and shares their experiences on our subliminals. You can find some incredible knowledge from all kinds of people – you can find millionaires, martial arts experts, spiritual masters, crypto enthusiasts, seekers of new experiences and many more.
Finally, in the next e-mail we’ll go over what you can expect on this wonderful, transformative subliminal journey you have embarked on with us. We’ll also go into more detail in regards to our community and how you can maximize your benefit from it. We’ll also look at some testimonials from our forum members and we’ll also talk about SubClub Elites.
See you in the next e-mail.
Become legendary,
– Subliminal Club