Welcome to the Ninth Day of the
Subliminal Master Course.

Today we’ll go over an exciting concept – stacking. We’ll also talk about the dichotomy of narrowness and wideness of subliminals. It is something important that we have to cover that will be helpful for you to know in your subliminal journey.

Let’s start.

What is Stacking?

Stacking is combining two or more subliminal programs that allows you to achieve more customized to you results.

Here is an example – you want to become an excellent artist, so you start listening to Ultimate Artist.

But then you realize there is a lot of theory you need to learn so you need Limitless.

Do you stop Ultimate Artist and switch to Limitless?


You stack them!

You add both Ultimate Artist and Limitless to your personal subliminal playlist in your music player of choice, and you listen to both one after another.

This is what we call a stack.

However, here is where things start getting complicated.

The Dichotomy

Once you start stacking, you are posed with the question – how wide do you want to go?

The more subliminals you add to your stack, the wider the effects will be – a stack with Emperor and Godlike Masculinity would cover not just alpha behavior, wealth and romance, but also give profound development of masculine traits.

This will of course take a longer time, because the processing queue has more to go through and the input is split into two or more.

However, this wideness can be a boon as the subliminal inputs can play off each other, creating a synergistic effect. This is one of the reasons why Ascended Mogul is such an excellent starter title.

If you decide to focus on small stack consisting of one or two subliminals only, you’re usually going to be working with a more narrow focus.

A narrow subliminal focus will achieve faster results because it is working on only one or two areas at a time.

It’s important to understand however, that the subliminal you are listening to affects this dichotomy. It’s not the same to stack Rebirth and Dragon Reborn which are two healing subliminals, like it is to stack Emperor and Dragon Reborn, which are a status/wealth/romance subliminal with a profound, in-depth healing subliminal.

The first will be narrower in action because you are listening to two healing subliminals versus the second one which will create a synergistic effect between status/wealth/romance and healing.

It is up to you to decide which approach you like more, but if you decide for the wider approach be aware that results will be wider in scope and take longer.

Things To Know For Stacking

You might wonder, how many can you stack in total.

While this depends on how long you’ve been on our subliminals, your overall state, and the subliminals you’re running, we recommend no more than 3 major titles.

Running too many titles in a single stack is going to be counterproductive, so fight the urge to run 10 different titles in your playlist. It can be tempting, but you’ll only make it harder for yourself – there is power in focus.

Some also think about listening to their stack at the same time – meaning, opening multiple media players and playing their subliminals at the same time. This is the worst thing you can do – please do not do this.

If you have a custom subliminal from Q, feel free to stack it like a major title.

If you’re listening to a LIFE(Charger), feel free to add it to your stack at 1 or 2 listens per day. Just be mindful that they also count towards your processing queue.

How To Develop Your Stack

When you are thinking about your stack, you need to consider your goals. Think about what you want to accomplish and what is your ideal self.

Once you do that, it’s good to have it written on paper. This isn’t necessary, but it will help you go further in-depth into your goals.

Utilize these written goals to create a stack that will drive your results forward and allow you to achieve the things you desire.

If for example you want to develop and grow your wealth then think which way you would like to do so.

Do you want to do crypto? Then R.I.C.H Crypto is your choice.

If you’d like to build generational wealth, especially if it is through trade, then think Emperor: House of Medici.

If you want to find an extremely profitable job or climb the corporate ladder then choose Mogul.

And if you dream of owning a sprawling business empire, then the Emperor is waiting for you.

Once you do that, consider your other goals. If you want to build an empire and study another language, then you can add Limitless to your stack of Emperor – which will also boost your goals of creating your own empire.

Consider which goals are most important to you at the moment and go from there. Don’t worry whether you make a mistake – even if you are utilizing a subliminal that is slightly or even completely off the mark for your goal, you’ll still develop some quality that is going to be useful to your goal because of how holistically our subliminals work and because of your conscious guidance.

Daily Experience

Let’s take a look at today’s daily experience.

Here is Friday’s experience on Khan:

Hey guys

First of all Happy New Year to everyone!

2019 had been a crazy and fantastic year with lots of growth, opportunities, success and fun, and I want to start this new year with a review of my favourite subliminal so far!

I have been listening to Khan St1 for 45 days (approximated 450 hours) and Khan St4 for 6 months (approximated 2200 hours).

My results :

  • I have had TEN TIMES more sexual encounters with different women since running Khan than last year. In the last 2 months, I had 7 new sexual partners (making out, fingering, sex). I am now kinda in a relationship but before that, I had a period of around 6 weeks where every week a new girl was falling for me. Also, had three girls hitting me up simultaneously for a while.

  • What is the friendzone? I am now confidently asserting my desire to woman both consciously and UNCONSCIOUSLY.

  • I became far more social since running Khan. I was always an extroverted guy but I often stayed home “to work a bit more”. This is not bad per se but since Khan, I hate just laying in my bed watching stupid YT videos and prefer going out, finding new friends, and just socializing for the sake of having fun and enjoying myself.

  • Being completely relaxed in social situations. This one is huge for me. Negatives thoughts always crept in… “Do they like me?” “Am I cool?” “Am I being weird right now?”. Such thoughts do not exist anymore in 99,9% of my interactions with others. I am just relaxed and mostly unstifled and free. Also, I grew the ability to switch my state very quickly. No more am I trapped in this very logical, rational mind after a work session but can change to a social being very quickly.

  • Being far more dominant in bed, and in life in general.

  • I am not talking about my “success” with women anymore (besides here on the forum hehe). That’s funny because before even though I had little to no encounters, I always made it seem like I had a lot, building this wrong ego. I now just don’t care. I am validating myself.

  • I am slowly but steadily cutting people off who are holding me back. Sadly one of them is my sister, which is following a different and in my opinion self-destructing life path…

  • Of course, the BIGGEST result of all. I PASSED the hardest exam of my life. I found new ways to learn, worked very hard and smart and finally did it. Studying at my favourite university medicine, which I absolutely love. I could not imagine doing anything else at this point.

  • Looking back, I can clearly see how much I manifested. At the beginning of listening to Khan, I was writing all my goals down: What kind of a man am I? What are my deepest desires and motivations?

  • What shall my health/family/career/dating-life/habits/friends look like in 1 year, 3 years, 10 years, and over my lifetime look like? After writing, I mostly forgot about it and I now just reopened. I was shocked at how accurate those were, how I manifested most of it. Also after just rereading my own journal I came across this statement: ” I imagine how we will go out every night, seducing college chicks, while everyone else is working the whole night AND us also getting the same or even better grades.”  Damn, that’s very accurate haha. Besides the last part as we did not write any exams yet but if the rest manifested, this will certainly too.

  • But again, I feel Khan is always pointing me in the right direction, which is probably one of the reasons why I am not planning to QUIT running Khan any time soon. I am not sure what it is exactly. I think it is often just a gut feeling. @Fire has done some magic here. For me this is the biggest and coolest feature of Khan by far!

  • I cannot only talk to strangers easily but also seduce them. One of the first girls on Khan was one I approached (which I never have done before).

  • Khan also desensitized me from beauty. While running Khan St1 and before running it, I had some deep-seated fear of beautiful woman, the 10/10. Do you remember when I posted my traumatic experience where I could not even open my mouth while my friend was talking to an absolute hottie? Yeah, this is passed.

  • Khan is truly helping me to get the best out of life. I can feel it with some girls. I had to break up with some girls in the past because they did not fulfil my standards, even though I liked them. Khan told me: “What are you doing, wasting your time with that 7 if there is a 10 over there who would be eagerly excited if you talk to her”. Khan is also definitely not holding me back from being a total asshole. How did I end up with my current girl: Hmm… First I made out with her. She ignored me the day after because she thought I am total fuck boy. So a few days passing by, where I made out with another girl in front of her, then making out with my girl again in front of the other girl I just made out with. Then having the other girl sending my girl home and dragging me to a quiet spot to have sex with me. I know, I am not the most romantic guy… (They both know about that and are “okay” with it in the end. )

  • Khan is also changing my physical appearance. I just looked at some pictures of New Year’s eve and I must say DAMN I look sexy. I had the same suit on than last year, so that did not change. I decided to wear contacts instead of glasses, this made a difference. But yeah, I do find me very attractive haha. Khan also changed my style. Sadly I cannot share pictures of me here.

  • I noticed that when I am taking the subway, walking down the street etc. people are constantly looking at me. Both genders but mostly women. It is really crazy. I was once sitting with a girl in class when I told her damn: “The professor (female) is constantly looking at me. I think she wants to undress me with her eyes haha”. She was like: “Yes yes” – not taking me seriously at all. And after a while she was like: “DAMMN she is!! SHE IS!! Do you know her??”

  • Girls are constantly looking into my eyes and I play with them. I often communicate with them just with my face and eyes over a longer distance. They fucking love it!

  • I have a feeling for what is “right” to say, or to put it better, what to do to get to my goal. I know how to make the conversation sexier, how to show my confidence, how to build comfort.

  • I noticed that I am not touching women that often anymore. I was far touchier in the past. I literally do it very rarely when hooking up. I always thought that touch is a must for attraction but I rather look straight into her eye with close proximity that she can feel my raw sexuality and desire oozing off.

  • I am very playful with the girls, especially when we make out. I don’t give her everything. I tease her, we kiss, then when she wants to kiss me I turn away until she gets crazy and wants is very badly. I switch it up with a lot of variety.

  • I have stronger eye contact, but not only with girls. I notice it, especially with my father. I don’t know why but I never really looked him into his eyes while he was talking. Often because I was annoyed or idk. Now that changed, and it feels far better.

  • My father also noticed my efforts and how I “succeed” in life right now. He presented me with an enormous financial opportunity. Did I manifest that?

  • 1 month ago, I quit watching porn and hard no problems staying off it. Even no desire. I am sure there is anti-porn scripting

You can find Khan here.

Final Words

We come to the end of day 9 of the subliminal master course. This was a shorter e-mail as stacking is a highly intuitive and individual process – other than following your goals and not overloading yourself, there are no extremely strict rules to follow.

In the next e-mail we’ll go over stack recommendations – what stacks you could run to achieve your goals and what you can expect from each one.

Become legendary,

– Subliminal Club