Welcome to the Fifth Day of the
Subliminal Master Course.

Let’s talk frequently asked questions, so as to clear up any leftover questions you might have before we tackle the best starter subliminals in the next e-mail.

Remember that you can get any questions you might have answered in even greater depth in the instructional manual, on our forums by our highly friendly and active community here and of course on our support center and database here.

Finally, there’s quite a bit here – so don’t be afraid to come back here often when you need a refresher or to look up a specific question.

Let’s start right away.

1. Does quality of headphones matter?

Yes, the quality of your headphones does matter, but the most important factor is to ensure your headphones work up to 20khz frequency. You can also look into some of our recommended headphones here. 

2. Can I use speakers?

Yes, some of our customers use speakers. In order of effectiveness it is best to use headphones, then speakers/earbuds, and finally phone speakers.

3. How well should I know English?

If you can understand basic conversations in English, then you have nothing to worry about and can listen normally.

4. Can I listen while sleeping?

In theory, yes, you can. Keep in mind however that with ZP the recommended listening schedule is one day on, one day off at around one/two loops per title.

This means you would need to create an accurately playing playlist that stops and doesn’t keep looping throughout the night.

5. Why do subliminals disrupt my sleep?

This is overstimulation from your subconscious mind processing the subliminals (and can happen on any of our subliminals). If this happens to you, simply listen earlier in the day.

6. How loud should I play my subliminals?

This varies from person to person, but we always recommend not playing ultrasonic subliminals too loud.

A good way to calibrate is to set a masked subliminal at a comfortable volume, then play the ultrasonic title on the same or slightly lower volume. You can also use FrequenSee to calibrate your volume as outlined in the instructional manual.

7. Can I expose other people to my subliminals?

Please always avoid exposing others. While the subliminal will positively affect them, there is always the question of reconciliation and the person needs the knowledge of this process to make the most of the subliminal. If you desire to get someone into subliminals, please talk to them directly.

8. Can I listen while doing something else/listening to something else?

Yes, you can. You can freely play your Subliminal Club subliminal while reading, writing, listening to music, playing a video game, watching TV, cooking, cleaning, practicing, exercising, meditating, working, etc.

The trick to doing this is to set the subliminal at a volume that is always a tiny bit noticeable – so if you are watching a show or listening to music, the goal is to always hear the masking track a bit in the background (eventually you will phase it out and not notice it). If you want to listen to an ultrasonic track, set the masking track to just barely be noticeable then play the ultrasonic (similar to the calibration technique).

9. Can I modify the files in any way?

No, you do not have permission to modify our files in any way, and please do not do so.

While we understand the desire to try and make our subliminals work even better for you, this isn’t necessary. Our subliminals are already miles beyond any subliminal technology out there, so you can be assured that our subliminals have no need for any editing from your side.

This also means to not create “bundles”, speed up our subliminals, attempt to remove the masking track etc.

10. Can I play multiple Subliminal Club subliminals at the same time?

Please do not do this.

Playing multiple of our subliminals at the exact same time (such as through multiple media players) is absolutely not recommended. You will simply overload your subconscious mind.

Our subliminals are created with extreme care – please simply listen to them. We ensured that you do not need to try to look for any ways to speed up the results.

11. Can I listen to the subliminal at 2x (or higher) speed?

Similarly to the previous answer, please avoid this.

12. Do I need to take a break from any other subliminals I listened before Subliminal Club?

This is up to you. While it can be helpful, there is normally no need for this as our subliminals usually completely overshadow any old input.

13. Do I need to use “boosters”/”flushes”?

No, there is no need and it would be quite ineffective. Moreover, please avoid trying to mix our subliminals with other producers/companies.

14. What should my diet be?

There is no set diet specifically, but we do recommend you eat well and healthy, as well as have enough macro and micro nutrients in your diet. Drinking enough water is also recommended.

Plenty of energy intake is recommended for our subliminals, so we would avoid fasting on our subliminals (unless you have some experience and would really like to try it out and experiment).

15. What if I listen to high amount of loops?

Going for high amounts is not recommended. While some can tolerate it and get good results, this requires experience, gradual build-up and knowing themselves, their mind and body.

Going too high can result in weird side-effects including time-loops. One example of this is one individual experiencing multiple fake awakenings with repeated dreams of ingesting pins, over and over again.

These are incredibly profound and powerful tools of self-transformation, treat them with respect and due care, and they will massively reward you.

16. I purchased a title and saw a title called Solace, what is this?

Solace is our new masked delivery method – designed to sound absolutely incredible to your ears and increase the efficiency of our subliminals.

We recommend listening to these on quality headphones for maximum enjoyment.

17. I saw Terminus and Terminus2 on the Q website, what are these?

Terminus and Terminus2 are our more experimental methods with increased subliminal input.

You can consider Terminus being twice as strong as a regular title, and Terminus2 twice as strong as a Terminus title.

Be mindful that Terminus and Terminus2 require plenty of experience with our titles.

18. Are results permanent?

Yes. Due to how our subliminals are created, all the changes are permanent – this is simply inevitable when you are undergoing deep, profound change and improvement on all levels.

19. Do different people react to different subliminals differently?

Yes, definitely.

Everyone has their own beliefs, traumas, life experiences, relationships, etc. In other words, each individual has different subconscious structures. For example, those that might have been bullied and put down for their schoolwork could have much deeper and stronger reconciliation with titles such as Limitless that are created for developing your intelligence.

Similarly, those that have been extremely hurt by a rejection (from parents, love interest, friends, etc.) could have stronger reconciliation when it comes to any title related to socialization and romance.

This doesn’t mean overcoming this isn’t possible – in fact, going past such traumas can often have profound effects on your overall life, as the more deep seated a trauma is, the more areas of your life it can effect. A relatively close analogy would be of a crack deep in the foundations of a building, rather than somewhere near the top floors.

In some rare cases, extremely deep trauma can cause a user to be so afraid of results that the conscious mind denies results. Their lives will continuously change and improve, but they will be convinced nothing is happening – a natural preservation mechanism. Eventually even such deep trauma can be healed, but it will take perseverance and action from the user (and journaling is highly recommended).

Such cases are quite rare though, so it is highly likely (99%) that you will not face such an issue.

20. Do I need subliminal washouts?

Subliminal washouts – a period of time without any subliminal input – can be quite useful.

While not necessary, taking a week off subliminal listening every 2-3 months can help your mind process all the input that has been in the subconscious’ mind’s processing queue.

It is up to you whether you’d like to try out subliminal washouts – experimenting (with wisdom, of course) and finding what works for you is encouraged at Subliminal Club.

21. Is there a recommended minimum age?

Yes, our minimum age is 18 years old.

Limitless and other intelligence related titles can be listened by children 16+ with parental guidance.

22. Can you put scripting to force the user to execute the subliminal?

This would be highly counter-productive. Forcing the user to do anything would result in additional reconciliation – not to say it’s impossible, however there are much more effective and profound ways to go about creating life-changing results.

There are also some who attempt to create so-called “forced” subliminals by utilizing the above method. We’ll talk about this soon.

23. Will negative beliefs make subliminals less effective?

Yes, of course. Any mental blocks and negative blocks can make subliminals less effective.

However, this is not to say that our subliminals will not work for you – the results are not dependent on your beliefs, they will happen either way. Moreover, with time your negative beliefs will dissolve further and further and be replaced by beliefs that help push you to become truly great.

24. Does abstaining from masturbation and porn have effect on subliminals?

There are some interesting effects, specifically on the subliminals containing energetic auras – namely, ejaculation for men can diminish the effects of such subliminals such as Libertine.

Why exactly is not known solidly. Of course, we can theorize that it is due to loss of energy to support the necessary expenditure, but remember that we are dealing with as concrete results and data as possible.

Those of our users who had problems with porn and masturbation have reported that they lost majority of the interest in them. This is due to the healing and development (rather than direct anti-porn scripting) that happens on our subliminals – as one grows, they often leave behind things that are eating up too much time and not serving their goals.

25. Can I listen to ultrasonic with tinnitus?

We do not recommend doing this. Please use masked, or if you go against our recommendations please use only low volume and be extremely careful. The consequences are also fully on you.

26. What is a good average loop number for the majority of people?

This is a tough question to answer, as each individual is unique.

However, the listening recommendations that we change from time to time (usually with a new technology level) are always rooted in massive mountains of data that allow the majority of the users to gain rapid results – it is best to start with the listening recommendations.

In this case, it is 1 day on, 1 day off.

27. I don’t see results. What can I do?

If you do not see results right away, do not panic. Simply continue listening and use journaling.

Our subliminals are very natural in their effects. To ensure rapid, profound and deep change in a user it is important for your development and improvement to be natural. This is all part of our technology – a naturalizing effect to ensure absolutely no drawbacks due to rapid change.

In other words, our subliminals are always working, developing and improving you, you’re simply not always consciously aware of the change.

For those who are unable to notice results, we highly recommend journaling. It happens that such individuals will often run our subliminals for months feeling nothing is happening, then look through their journal and realize they have improved, changed and achieved more in these couple of months on our subliminals than the last decade of their life.

In extremely rare cases, there is profoundly deep trauma in the user that makes it hard to consciously notice changes, as was explained previously. Interesting fact – such users sometimes report high amounts of tiredness (without realizing it). This is due to the deep work that is happening within on the trauma causing this, as well as due to the subliminal working generally. Sadly, this often gets handwaved away and requires specific listening protocols.

28. Is it possible for subliminals not to work for some people?

No, there is always an effect on the user with our subliminals and we tested this extensively.

Most often simply a bit of self-awareness is enough, sometimes journaling is needed. In extremely rare cases deep-seated blockages and trauma are the reason, so both journaling and perseverance are needed. Those with high levels of trauma seem to much more readily block out perception of results from subliminals, as explained previously.

29. Can some subliminals cause height increase?

Yes, Emperor Fitness, WANTED, custom Q subliminals are examples of subliminals that caused height increase in our users and testers. Note, this was found to be the case with older testers as well. As with any physical shifting subliminal, it is not an absolute guarantee and it is dependent on many factors.

30. Do Subliminal Club Elites discount work on Q?

Yes, you can use your Subliminal Club Elites discount code for your Q custom subliminal.

31. I have experience in free subliminals. Why should I pay for them?

It is a simple answer – the free subliminals do not have nearly the same amount of research, dedication, experience, expertise and financial backing. Remember that you aren’t dealing with something that can just easily be reversed and has no consequences – you must be aware and cultivate your subconscious mind, just like you eat and take care of yourself daily. It is important that you use the highest quality subliminal technology you can find – just like you want to eat the healthiest food. The free subliminals are unable to achieve the same quality as they do not have financial backing, and are normally created by amateurs in their spare time (with a good number being teenagers – yes, in other words, you are putting your health and inner being into the hands of elementary/high schoolers). They do not have their reputation on the line – a professional subliminal company must deliver results or it will be abandoned. A free subliminal maker/producer/company can do anything and put anything in their subliminals (such as something completely against your will, something highly harmful, or simply something that is a consequence of a lack of expertise) with no repercussions. A professional subliminal company has a reputation to uphold.

And of course, the results are simply better. We’ve extensively researched the subliminal market, including the free part of it, and we have found it lacking. An extreme amount of people are not getting any results, have no guidance, and are bombarded with misinformation.

If you are serious about subliminals, then think deeply about the subliminal aspect of your life and invest in a reputable subliminal company, even if it isn’t us – you’ll benefit much more from a single professionally crafted subliminal than a thousand free ones. Subliminals have the power to completely change and transform both your life and you, but it must be done by professionals.

32. Do affirmations help?

While affirmations can help, on our subliminals there is no need as our subliminals will simply overwhelm the minuscule input created through affirmations (and this started being the case ever since the level of New Dawn technology).

33. Why do past memories come up on some subliminals, such as Rebirth?

This is normal, especially on our healing titles. As you heal your trauma and beliefs, sometimes past memories and traumas resurface to the conscious level for you to deal with directly.

This usually happens only when necessary. When this happens, ask yourself why is it happening and consider the emotions that are created through this past memory.

34. What are the signs I might need more rest days or a washout?

If you start feeling higher than normal amounts of reconciliation and tiredness over a couple of days, consider taking a couple of extra rest days. If it continues, consider a week long washout to let the subliminal input process.

35. Can I listen to subliminals while driving?

Please avoid doing this or operating any kind of machinery that requires focus, as our subliminals will sometimes shift your state to achieve optimal results.

36. Can I listen to subliminals while pregnant?

While potentially possible, we would recommend against it as there is not enough research regarding pregnancy and subliminals.

37. Is there anti-piracy in Subliminal Club subliminals?

No, there is no anti-piracy scripting in our subliminals so as to ensure the utmost efficiency and results.

Keep in mind that not only pirating our products is prohibited, you will not benefit from doing so due to our constant updates and future name-embedding (we’ll talk about this in a future e-mail) of all programs.

38. Does caffeine/drugs/nootropics affect subliminals?

Yes, drugs can affect subliminals. While we cannot recommend you to use any drugs, some of our users have tried combining it with various state-deepening drugs.

Caffeine and nootropics also affect subliminal processing – in which exact way is mostly dependent on the user.

39. If I’m interrupted on a loop, do I have to restart the loop?

No need, when you are interrupted simply pause the loop, then come back to it after the interruption is over.

40. What is the bloom?

The bloom is an effect that happens after you stop subliminal input – it is a burst of results that come from full execution of the subliminal. Some of the most incredible effects happen specifically during a bloom – hence why rest/processing days are so important.

While this is true, please do not obsess over attaining constant blooms, as consistent, enjoyable progress is always preferred.

Furthermore, bloom isn’t just a burst of results – it is a revelation of the progress you made. Often while listening to our subliminals you’ll not be able to notice the full scope of the profound changes happening. When you take a break and experience the bloom, it’s not just a simple burst of results – it’s your new self. It’s the self that has been created through listening to our subliminals but wasn’t obvious to you because of the subliminal input, processing, execution and reconciliation.

Eventually this new self will become your new normal, you’ll get used to it and consider it an everyday occurrence. That is why after a short break it is time to continue listening – to resume the process of growth and to continue rapidly growing, evolving and becoming more and more your ideal self.

You’ll continue developing your self and bring it to new heights – and the next short break you’ll see a whole new level of being that you didn’t even consider possible before.

With our subliminals, it’s constant, profound growth.

To summarize, you listen for a time, you take a break and you’ll notice the profound change in yourself and a burst of results. Then you listen again for a time and take another break – and you’ll notice the completely new, incredible changes and a powerful burst of results from this new period of listening. And of course, this is if you are taking breaks – some prefer no washouts and to simply continue listening.

41. What is the switch-bloom?

Switch-bloom is a very similar concept to the bloom, however it happens in a different situation.

Switch-bloom occurs when a user that has been listening to our titles switches to a subliminal by some other producer/company.

What happens is, very quickly after the switch the user experiences a powerful bloom of results and a realization of their growth and new self (because of the previous listening, as explained previously) – and this is due to the fact that subliminals from other companies/producers often act as rest/processing days for our subliminals due to very low input, rate of change/transformation and technology level.

This often results in misattribution of results – hence why we recommend taking a few days off (preferably at least 2 weeks) of our subliminals before starting subliminals from another company/producer.

We will be covering both bloom and switch-bloom in a later e-mail.

42. Do subliminals conflict with religion?

No, our subliminals do not conflict with your religion in any way – regardless of your religion. Our subliminals never force any belief on you. This could be the case with other subliminal producers/companies, but we consider this to be highly unethical.

In fact, through conscious guidance and desire on your part you can utilize our subliminals to deepen your connection with your religion.

If you are an atheist, you don’t have to worry – our subliminals do not force any beliefs on you. This is simply for those who consider religion (and/or spirituality) an important part of their lives and want to use conscious guidance and action towards strengthening their religious connection.

43. What is the Zero Point (ZP) technology?

Zero Point is our latest technology that all our titles have been upgraded to. It is explained beautifully by one of our forum members Malkuth:

ZP has an enhanced ability to ‘shake hands’ and interface with the mind. It is ‘absorbed’ and ‘integrated’ more smoothly and effortlessly than previous versions. It seems to enhance and support your mind’s reality-generation function at a deeper level than was previously possible. That is the meaning of an “UPGRADE”.

As a result, you will find the results happening even more effectively, even faster, even more naturally than they did before.

Remember the Terminator movies?

Qv2 is like the T800. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bad-ass. Powerful. Packing major firepower.

ZP is like the T1000. Just as strong as the T800. But it can flow and reform and shape itself like water. It could blast through if it chose, but it’s much more effective, sometimes, to flow.

Well, that metaphor’s a bit more violent than I’d prefer, but it’s pretty good.

Because of how smoothly it flows, ZP integrates more effectively with your mind’s Reality Generation fu

nction. As a result of this smooth, organic shift in perception, there is a subjective sensation of Effortlessness. Reality seems to simply ‘morph’. Rather than needing to be forced into shape.

So reality is ‘moved through you’, rather than you forcing your way through reality.

You can read more about it here. 

44. What is the Zero Point perceptual shift?

The ZP Perceptual Shift is an interesting phenomenon that occurs while listening to Zero Point subliminals. While we cannot conclusively say what is the exact mechanism behind it, it manifests as a sense of intense reality shifting. It is an extremely distinct feeling/state that is hard to describe without you feeling it directly, but once you do, you will know exactly what it is. It’s sometimes accompanied with plentiful deja vu’s (but is not one). It can carry new insights, knowledge and results.

45. What is conscious guidance?

Conscious guidance is a powerful feature of our subliminals that allow you to consciously direct how you want your journey on our subliminals to develop.

You do this by having and holding a specific goal in mind and taking action towards it. An example of this is making your hair fuller on WANTED – read about the different supplements you take, protect your hair from damage, clean it properly, utilize the different tools you find through your research, etc. By doing this, WANTED will start working on develop your hair more deeply alongside the other effects.

46. How does subliminal X work with subliminal Y?

A question that we often get, but one that is nearly impossible to answer. The thing is, each individual is incredibly different, has different subconscious structures and will have different results from anyone else that runs that same subliminal – so one cannot predict with certainty your results, or how it will express itself with another subliminal.

The best way for you to get an idea of how an X subliminal works with subliminal Y is this – read the page of the subliminal including the objectives, and then consider how the subliminal could get you these results and how you could express this subliminal. The descriptions are purposely made descriptive and story-like, so that you yourself can imagine the results you will have – this helps the results and allows you to consciously guide the subliminal and the results you desire.

Seeing how a stack of two or three subliminals is very much similar, all you need to do is consider the same for each subliminal, and consider the synergistic effects that could be expressed due to the interaction of the subliminals in your stack.

47. Do I need to listen to subliminals as an “upkeep”?

This is an interesting question, as it has a two-fold answer. While our subliminals inevitably create permanent change over time, the fact of the matter is, you are on the daily bombarded by subliminal input without you realizing it. This subliminal input however, is a chaotic “amalgamation” of all that enters your subconscious mind. The daily commercials and ads, the talks and gossiping of the people around you, the podcasts, books, music and different entertainment you consume. All of it has a subtle effect on your subconscious – and what is commonly forgotten in modern society is that subtle is power. This process might seem innocuous, but over time it will have an effect on you, your behavior and by extension your life.

You cannot know exactly what the outcome will be of this chaotic soup that will enter your subconscious mind. You can control it somewhat by reading carefully selected books, listening to specific music, limiting ads, commercials, gossiping and talking… but let’s be honest here, who wants to live like that? A life filled with constant aversion to everything around you that is permeating the modern society – not something that a powerful individual should aspire to achieve.

Instead, there is the better option of the most direct subconscious input option available – subliminals. And through subliminals, you have the power and the choice to choose your destiny. Do not leave the profound processes of your subconscious mind to random chaos or give it up to the unknown purposes of others, but take control of this incredible power you hold deep within and use it for your own betterment, improvement and advancement – as that is it’s true purpose.

In essence, if you are taking a longer break from subliminals, yes, it can pay off to have a few “upkeep” loops here and there to counteract the environmental input. The good thing is, the concentrated input of subliminals is enough to counter a vast amount of environmental input.

As for listening to subliminals you previously listened to as a way to “upkeep” those results, remember, the change has already happened. It can help you remember what you achieved through the subliminal and guide you to cultivate an even deeper understanding of that, but the change has happened. You might have used a different subliminal that might have “softened” those effects, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing – often times, it means the changes have become integrated with who you truly are. Ultimately, it is unnecessary but do feel free to re-listen or “upkeep” your subliminal; always keep in mind this isn’t necessarily “upkeep” but more of a longer-term development that you are undertaking through that subliminal – yes, even on just a single loop a week you will continue to develop and grow.

Daily Experience

Let’s take a look at today’s daily experience.

Here is Sinusoid’s experience on the Commander:

I tried a little experiment over the weekend. Had dates both Friday and Saturday night. For Friday I ran True Social and Libertine, while I used Commander only for Saturday. Big difference. I felt much more comfortable, relaxed, alpha, and witty on Commander and just as sexy and sociable as I was on Friday. I am just amazed at how all-purpose Commander is. I feel like a total boss on Commander.

Thank you @Brandon. I am a middle school math teacher. Commander is absolutely amazing for that. My ability to communicate and explain is off the charts. I get compliments all the time on that. I have a great mix of male (instant authority, command of the classroom, calm confidence) and female energy (compassion, understanding, relatability, humor). Very balanced. A very excellent sub if you need to project expertise and communication skills are important.

The Commander is here.

Final Words

That’s it!

With these finished, we can start talking about the best subliminals for those that are just starting out.

Keep in mind however, that even if these subliminals are great for starting, you can always try your hand at any of our subliminals as long as you take action and start off easy with just 1 loop per day. Also, don’t feel bad if you already bought a more advanced subliminal!

If you did, you’ll also be able to stack it with any other subliminal that catches your fancy – and we’ll cover stacking very, very soon, so you’ll be well equipped to create your perfect subliminal stack.

Become legendary,

– Subliminal Club