Welcome to the Nineteenth Day of the

Subliminal Master Course.

We’ll be going in-depth into romance and social subliminals today – a topic that is quite interesting to many.

Let’s get started right away.

What Are Romance and Social Subliminals?

A classic in the subliminal industry are the romance and social type of subliminals. Through subliminal technology, they aim to help you make friends, become a social master, attract partners or even make your current relationship ideal.

There are numerous ways of accomplishing these goals, which is also why we offer a number of different subliminals to tackle this area.

Let’s take for example Sex & Seduction, which aims to help you improve your seduction capabilities and take them to the next level – while Primal is a subliminal to help you tap into your natural primal state of being where everything simply flows.

It’s beneficial for you to consider which subliminal would fit you best according to your circumstances. While this is the case for all subliminals, it’s important to emphasize this again. Choose the one you feel best fits your situation, and if you’re unsure, you will find out soon through running any of our subliminals.

Intricacies of Romance and Social Subliminals

When running a subliminal, action is paramount. This is the case on romance and social subliminals as well.

This is where an issue arises where a user who is shy and without experiences would gravitate towards a romance or social subliminal which was made to create an attractive aura.

Why is this an issue?

It’s actually quite simple – an erroneous thinking pattern where, if the user can just have this tool that will make him incredibly attractive, he or she won’t have to take any action to achieve the romantic partner (or partners) or the social circle he/she desires.

Can a user without experience and who is shy still use such a subliminal?

Of course – but one must take action and meet other people. How can one expect to achieve his goals of romance and friendship while waiting around? It is through action that one accomplishes these goals – just like someone who desires to master a skill doesn’t idly sit around but practices.

Do not make the mistake of hoping an attraction subliminal such as Libertine will solve all your romance problems. While it will undoubtedly make you seem near-irresistible to others (and we have seen some incredible reports even from the shyest of users), you must still know how to use it.

This is why the more advanced users, or those who are happy to take action, seem to have absolutely mind-blowing results on such subliminals such as Libertine.

Those who are shy or lack in the action-taking department will do best with a subliminal that helps them build up their seduction/friendship skills – titles such as Daredevil, Primal Seduction and Stark.

Taking Action

There are many ways of taking action on a social/romance subliminal.

The most obvious and simple one is simply putting yourself out there – taking classes, workshops and seminars as well as participating in activities is going to put you around numerous people with similar interests that can be your friends or partners.

This could be cooking classes, rock-climbing, dancing, even martial arts.

Online dating is another invaluable tool. Since you are using subliminals, you will have a distinct advantage (especially on a title such as Libertine).

We are yet unsure to the exact mechanism (of course, we do have theories in place such as energy), but testers have reported significant increases in likes, contacts and dates.

Ensure you have excellent photos and you will be amazed at the heights you can reach.

And of course, the old simply going out and meeting new people. Remember that many people are looking for that spark or friend to connect with – there is no reason for you not to be the one they were looking for all along. And you will not know until you do meet them – so talk to people and you will see the incredible heights you can reach on our subliminals.

What Can You Expect

There is always a common thread when running our subliminals – it is that the results are highly individual to each user as well as holistic, affecting multiple aspects of life and the individual’s inner being.

Thus it is also the case here.

One might start highly experienced in romance with numerous friends, wanting to take it to the next level.

Can one still advance even at such heights? Of course.

There is always room for improvement. In such cases you’ll be guided to refine your technique and skill set and take a deeper look at your whole approach to see what can be revised or improved upon.

We’ve had individuals who were seasoned seducers with excellent results without subliminals go through a period of complete revamping – discarding everything they knew and starting from scratch, in order to advance to a whole new incredible level that they never thought was possible.

It takes some courage to forget what you knew and let go to the process, but doing so can be life-changing. Now, of course this does not mean this will necessarily happen to you if you are so experienced, but it is to show you how deep the change to your whole approach can be, and that even the most experienced of users can go beyond.

What if you aren’t experienced?

Then in this case you can expect to learn at a much more rapid pace than if you were to attempt to do so without any subliminal input.

Through subliminals you can avoid making mistakes that ingrain bad habits, as well as be directly guided to the correct actions you need to take that will quickly build up your understanding of romance and social skills.


The most important tip to follow is of course, taking action.

The greatest men and women all throughout history did near-impossible deeds that have been immortalized to such an extent that we still remember them hundreds if not thousands of years later.

They did this through action.

Now, you have an opportunity those men and women could only dream of – subliminals.

Use it to the fullest by taking daily, consistent action. Never be afraid of the highest heights, so take action.

In romance/social subliminals this means putting yourself out there.

It’s really that simple, but many have a bad habit of overthinking things to the extreme and hence being paralyzed when in reality, they just need to get out there.

This overthinking also results in hoarding information, techniques and attempting to overanalyze things. We’ve had a rare couple of users who have even attempted to directly measure attraction from others in extreme detail – we are talking every single interaction tracked, scaled and measured, some even including down to the smallest body language movement such as blinking per minute (of course, learning body language is a skill that can prove useful).

Now this isn’t something that is usual and you likely won’t need to be wary of going to such an extreme. The vast majority of our users are achieving incredible, life-changing results and letting the subliminal work properly.

It goes without saying that such over-analyzing will completely hamper your ability to connect with others and develop your natural flow and personality.

Rather than attempting to analyze, learn to let go.

Let the subliminal guide you, and go with the flow of the moment.

You will see over time how your actions are steadily becoming increasingly more charismatic, persuasive and seductive.

When you let go and go with the flow, rather than tensing yourself up completely, you are developing your natural social self and letting the subliminal do what it is supposed to do.

Being your natural self is the most incredible gift you can give to yourself and others.

Being your natural self while working on yourself, developing and evolving further is how you take this incredible gift and build a legend of your self.

Do this, and you will attract the people that are perfect for you every step of the way.


Just like we’ve done it previously – the best way to understand how you can benefit from romance/social subliminals is to see the experiences of others – and that’s exactly what we are going to look into now.

Again, it’s important to reiterate that each person is their very own individual. Everyone has their own path to follow, their own subconscious structures that they have to deal with, and their own goals. While there are similarities between users, your experience is likely to be different.

For example, one user on Primal Seduction might first experience a deep inner effect of masculinity rising within, while another will start meeting potential romantic partners everywhere he goes.

Both are completely correct and unique to the individual. While there are common threads, there is no more correct ways for the subliminal to express itself in your life.

It also doesn’t mean you won’t eventually have both of these results. It is like building a building – your building will be different from your friends and will focus on a different building style, materials and details, but both will eventually be the complete package.

In other words, the user with the deep inner effect of masculinity will likely eventually start experiencing the effects others have experienced initially such as meeting potential romantic partners everywhere.

Now, let’s look at some experiences.

This is Friday’s Experience on Libertine ZP:

Libertine ZP – First review

I cannot stress enough how much of a BLESSING it is that ZP subs are only 15 mins long. I was super busy the whole day and there would have been no way I could have run Libertine Ultima. This short run-time is such a luxury especially with boosters like Libertine where I always had to pre-plan my day or decide between not finishing business or coming 2 hours later to a party so that I could still manage to run it before the event. Now with Libertine ZP it is so easy… I came home 1 hour before the date, started the loop, showered, dressed, giving the aura around 40 mins to execute.

3 mins in I began to move and dance sensually. After the loop finished I became hungry and decided to drink a glass of raw milk with some full fat raw cream, which helped a lot. 15 mins after the loop finished, I would say the aura was already built up.

Okay, now to the date.

It was less of a date and more of a simple reconnecting with an old high-school friend of mine, whom I have not seen in more than 2 years. I knew that she currently has a boyfriend, even better to test the power of Libertine… I thought

The moment she saw me her eyes lit up, getting excited like a little girl seeing Santa Claus. We hugged for a waaaaaaaaaay too long hahah. I started to build some deep eye contact, and I almost immediately noticed the sexual spark which even made me slightly uncomfortable so I backed off. I really felt a sense of pleasure watching her beautiful blue iris.

We went for a walk and had a ton to talk about. I noticed how SOCIAL I felt, just like I had ingested a few glasses of white wine, mixed with the playfulness of my inner child coming out. For the future, I would say I was a bit too playful and aloof but I just felt so great, joyful and „free“ – just like a true libertine haha.
I was still leading and dominating quite strongly though, dictating the way, being naturally one step ahead, stopping to allow eye contact, moving her to create moments, basically locking us in while leaning away and having awesome body language.

We ended up having A LOT of body contact, the MOST I ever had while walking. Hugging here, hugging there, side hugging, arm around her, her arm around me, etc.

We later talked about her boyfriend for a while. I might be interpreting too much but I could not let go of that notion that it seemed like she was subconsciously telling me that she would drop him for me any time haha.

Then some manifestation happened, where we noticed that we both have a quality each of us almost „desperately“ looks for in others but pretty much NOBODY has.
Without going into detail what it is about, I am certain you can imagine that our connection deepened 100x after that. I solely count Inner Circle for that though which is the third core in my Wanted Khan custom. Some of the manifestations I am encountering in the last weeks are just unbelievable, this is now the second time I find a girl with that quality since the release of ZP, while I was looking for such a person, no matter even if male or female, and could not find ONE in a matter of 2 years.

I then had to leave her as I still had some business to do for that day, so we promised to meet soon again. We later exchanged some note-worthy messages. I would have loved to post the original but as we did not communicate in English so here is the translation:

Me: „(fill in some love texts)  (fill in some love texts) “
She: „(fill in some love texts) (fill in some love texts) “
Me: „Be careful what you write, not that your boyfriend gets jealous haha“
She: „ … “
She: „One must be allowed to like other men“

The nuances are hardly coming over in the English translation. Especially her calling me a „man“ is – unlike in English – quite an unusual word choice, almost a compliment, in the language we communicated in.

Some thoughts on Libertine:

Libertine does not feel like the old version of Libertine AT ALL. It feels like a mix between True Social + Libertine Aura + Primal Seduction with a touch of „Libertine-behavior“ + freeing from social inhibitions + the RAIKOV module (Deep Trance Identification), coming together to form a fully-fledged subliminal. Especially the Raikov part is interesting as Khan made me watch some Hank Moody (Californication) videos yesterday and I seemed to have modeled his behavior in many moments during the date perfectly.

P.S. more thoughts on Libertine:

  • Another girl (actually the second girl with the same quality I mentioned above) just texted me if I want to meet her tomorrow
  • Some sexual banter with one of my past girlfriends over instagram
  • Humor and wit turned up to 100%
  • Had a really funny banter with my best friend; again I felt as social as when I consume some alcohol. This might sound strange but this is the best compliment I can give as since the dawn of time I looking for a strategy to achieve that effect without the booze:

Might be too early to tell but LibertineZP seems to bring out exactly that behavior


I thought DiamondZP is great, but LibertineZP is EVEN BETTER. I really would love to have the updated script of Libertine in my Wanted Khan custom hahah

Libertine is here. 

Here is an interesting experience IronClaws had on Seductress (in a stack with StarkQ):

My social anxiety is gone for good

Walking to the store down the street is now a rest from work filled with some nice music in my earphones. Looking around to see the city more clearly, not caring about what flaws people might notice about me, doing a little hand dance gesture when the music is getting really good and overall being calm.

I never thought I would be comfortable going into the city like this in my life.

When I notice myself looking down to the ground, I look up with my shoulders slightly back (this usually happens right before a group of people is passing by)) I try to look in front of me as looking down became a little habit I have to get rid of.

Also stopped checking on my phone while walking when stressed or nervous as I no longer am :3

Seductress is here. 

And this is YardBird’s experience on Love Bomb. If you are uncomfortable with vulgar words, please skip this one. We avoid editing as we want each user’s voice to be as authentic as possible.

I just got home and want to share this while the memory is still fresh. I’m going to try to keep this as PG-13 as possible without omitting any of the details that I consider essential to the story, but no hard feelings if mods need to edit anything. I’m not trying to be vulgar, I just am.

So I’ve been listening to the Love Bomb Ultima Mk II Prototype every day since it came out. I wasn’t looking for anything external, I just love how it makes me feel. For the first week and a half or so I didn’t notice anything, but as I approached the 2 week mark listening to Love Bomb started to make me feel really happy. I look forward to listening to it in the evenings while I enjoy a cigar after dinner and again before going to bed.

One of my best friends used to be a stripper until a few years ago and she’s still friends with lots of dancers. Last week she told me one of her friends loves older men and she’d broken up with her boyfriend a few months before and was telling her that all she kept meeting was lame guys on dating apps, so my friend told her about me and wanted to know if it was okay if she gave her my number. I told her sure and we started texting and agreed on a date last Saturday.

Neither of us had seen the other. Not even photos. My friend told me she was “really super hot” and I don’t know what she told her friend about me.

When I went to pick her up, she opened the door and stepped back to let me in and when I saw her, I thought “shit, she has a hotter, younger roommate!” My friend’s friend (let’s call her Mia) is 33 but the woman who opened the door looked 26-27 and had a body that was too hot to believe, even for a Las Vegas stripper. She confirmed she was indeed my blind date, so I figured it was time to have some fun.

I told her she had a really nice place (she has a beautiful condo in a luxury complex) so she was showing me around and then we sat in the living room and were talking for a while and I said “I haven’t seen your bedroom yet, let’s go check that out.” So she took me into her room and I noticed her bathroom door open and said “Hey, you mind if I freshen up quickly” and she said no, then I said “As soon as I’m done we can get started.” I washed my hands and face and when I walked out she was standing in just her bra and panties.

I figured she’s a stripper so probably not modest about changing out of her yoga pants and crop top in front of me, but she didn’t have another outfit out and she approached me and said “do you wanna finish undressing me or should I just take ’em off?” Then it hit me oh shit, she is DTF right now? No date?

So I had a great time and left. This past week was very busy for me with work and other responsibilities, so I didn’t text or call her. I wasn’t playing games, I just was busy and had nothing to say and I don’t do simp shit like texting “good morning beautiful” or “how was your day?” So Wednesday she just texted me a heart emoji and when I noticed a few hours later I sent one back. Then yesterday, realizing that I have a 3 day weekend, I decided fuck it. No work this weekend, I’ll handle some personal errands, but that’s it, so I texted Mia and asked if she wanted to go out tonight and she said yes. So tonight she called me and asked if we were still on because I didn’t answer her text. I hadn’t looked at my phone in over an hour. I said yes and she said “good, don’t come to my place, I got us a room at [a hotel on the strip].”

I’d completely forgotten that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, so since I haven’t even taken her anywhere yet, I stopped at a store on the way and picked up a card and a box of chocolates (nice, but nothing fancy).

She was so happy to see me wasn’t interested in eating or going anywhere. Again she started to undress quickly and we started making out and she kept telling me “you’re so amazing” and stuff like that.

So now we’re in bed and I already had the condom on and she pulled it off and said “I need to suck this for a while first because your c_ck is too perfect, but don’t c_m in my mouth, I want you to do it inside me.” After she’d gone down on me for a while I asked if she was on birth control and she said no, she thought I’d had a vasectomy. I told her I’m thinking about it but haven’t done it yet, so she seemed bummed out and put the condom back on me before we started to have sex.

Afterwards, she asked me if I was seeing her exclusively. I told her that I wasn’t, but added that I hadn’t seen the other girls in a few weeks and I liked her enough so far to be happy just seeing her (which is true). She said “Good, because I like you enough to go on the pill for you.” I stayed with her for a few hours talking and fooling around and she told me she wasn’t sure if I liked her because I hadn’t texted, so I told her I had nothing to say and I didn’t want to be annoying with small talk. She told me to call or text her anytime day or night just so she can hear from me.

Anyway I’m probably forgetting some details that I wanted to share but that’s already long enough and my apologies if it’s TMI or inappropriate. I’m tired and was just excited to share because these two dates were unlike anything I experienced before or on Emperor, so I 100% convinced it’s Love Bomb. I feel so light and happy and OPTIMISTIC! That’s the main thing I feel, an overpowering optimism, like the glass is always 3/4 full and my life is like a blockbuster movie that I’m the star of and I can write any happy ending I want and everybody loves me and I’m bulletproof because nothing bad can happen to me and I’m already excited just thinking about listening to it later tonight. It’s like an addiction with no side effects and no downside.

One more thing, I realize it’s too risky for Sub Club to promote any of their subliminals as an anti-depressant, but I urge anyone needing a boost of happiness to listen to this because I have never experienced feelings of happiness and joy as intense as I do while listening to Love Bomb and for hours afterwards. There’s something really special about this thing. I still haven’t read anything about what Love Bomb is supposed to do, so I’m going to have a drink and relax and then later I’ll check to see if @Fire and @SaintSovereign have finally revealed what Love Bomb is supposed to do, but I can’t believe you guys made something this wonderful and just gave it away for free.

Check out Love Bomb here.

Here is Saiyan4Blue’s experience on Libertine and Diamond:

Sorry for the hiatus. I’m working almost all day on my company and that’s all I have been doing for the past few months. I am using Libertine Ultima, Stark Q and I’m trying out the new Diamond Ultima. I’ve used it a couple of times but with zero sex and it’s NOT recommended. You will be hard as a rock 15% of the day. But the dreams I have been having. THE DREAMS are so surreal and weird… They, unlike anything I have ever experienced before. Now take a seat because I have one hell of a story to tell.

Yesterday I had sex with a celebrity. You heard me right. She is the equivalent of Ariana Grande in Sweden. How did it happen? Well, my younger brother makes music and beats for a hobby who went to the same school as one of her music producers. He invited my brother who took me with him to a private party with a bunch of her old high school friends. I went completely blind and knew nothing about her at first since I don’t watch tv, festivals, or listen to the radio. My brother lives and breathes rap and never liked mainstream music but he isn’t as oblivious as I am.

I’m 25 and I’m this party filled with 22 / 21-year-olds and I see this blond hottie who was the center of attention. I was with the boys most of the time striking small conversations and having fun with everyone except her since she was surrounded by a small mob at all times. She kept eyeing me across the room but i didn’t make it a big deal since I’m used to attention at this point. A while later she comes to us and her producer introduces her assuming everyone knows her. I was like nice to meet you while my brother was freaking out and soon the whole conversation was about how surprised they were that I don’t know her. My brother said she is a famous singer but I all was thinking that she is like an aspiring singer or something.

She was so surprised and was so focused on me and kept saying how popular she is. I jokingly kept saying yeah you will be one day and taking it lightly. Because the party was loud she took my hand and dragged me outside. She wanted to show me proof of her performing live in front of thousands. It was cold as hell and we sat on a bench and she was hugging my arm saying she is cold while watching one of her concerts on youtube.

I saw it and once I realized it I was deadass sitting next to a girl who sings in front of thousands meanwhile 5 of her friends watching us from the windows. It felt amazing, weird, and cold as hell at the same time. I was so shaken I barely said a few words but she took my silent reaction as if I was barely impressed. She kept asking me questions and I regained my cool somehow. I talked about my passions and what motivates me since she is a singer and that’s something she could relate to. She then says let’s go inside and she goes back to her friends.

My “”””” the next few hours were some of the most hilarious/uncomfortable hours I have ever experienced. I felt eyes on me like one of those animes where the guys beat the popular guy who can get girls. But the alcohol made it bearable. 4 Hours into the party and went to talk her after the boys hyped me up. I was so annoyed by everyone pretending not to look at me while approaching her. She seemed so comfortable in with all the attention which makes sense. She was much more playful and assertive this time it turned me on so much. Diamond Ultima made me a walking boner and thank goodness I was wearing black jeans. She suggested that I should follow her insta and I said maybe if I could hear her sing for me in private and she said sure but it’s loud here and I said not loud upstairs. She laughed and I told her to tell her friends to not go upstairs and ill wait for her there.

I went back to the boys and told them that anyone who calls my phone, calls my name, or interrupts this in any way is a deadman. At this point, my mind was completely free of thoughts except her naked under me. I go up and she follows me to a room that was so pretty and smelt so nice. It had a big ass makeup desk and closets full of clothes. I have never been to a fancier room in my life. She goes in first and I close the door and she sits on the edge of the bed leaning backward on both hands asking what song do I want to hear.

I pull the trigger and what happened next was a mixture of a soft and hardcore scene. Her playful confidence and her energy was the biggest turn on and her body was toned yet softer than silk. And it felt so amazing. I went slow and passionate for 15 min mixing it with intense eye contact, some spanking, and tons of teasing. Then I went Jhonny Sins for close to 40 min straight. I have had sex while drunk before but nothing like this while on Diamond Ultima. Im using it once every day while sleeping. I was so hard yet relaxed I could feel everything. I made her orgasm over 5 times. After finishing we cuddled for a while. That was the best sex I have ever had. She was wild but seemed uncomfortable in showing it in the beginning and later she went even wilder. Her whole body was shaking so hard had i not covered her mouth, which made her orgasm even harder, I’m sure everyone would have her screaming over the loud music.

While laying in bed I jokingly told her to not make a big deal out of this. She had stood up surprised and amused and said that I’m so mean. And I told her it’s ok she can have my number. She wrote her phone number on my phone and told me to never give it to anyone. I assured her that no one will know about this, and the jokingly said ” except everyone in this party ” she laughed… and then I said ” unless that’s how you earned every one of your followers ” and she laughed even harder and called me a dick. The party died down and people were leaving. we talked some more. I didn’t want to stay over unless she asked me to, she didn’t so when the time felt right. The boys waited 1 hour for me in the car and once I got in everyone gave me the nod of approval.

We haven’t texted and I don’t suppose we will but who knows I’m fine either way. With that being said I would like to thank Libertine Ultima, Diamond Ultima, and my dislike of mainstream music. I’m sure as hell it wouldn’t have gone like it did if I knew how she was. I would probably be way too intimidated but this a lesson for me to remember. Its all in the head.

Libertine is here…

And you can get Diamond here.

Final Words

We’ll stop here as we have quite a number of experiences in our databases and going through all of them would be impossible – like before, we need to keep going.

In the next e-mail we’ll be going over physical shifting and physical healing subliminals, including what you can expect, how to make the most out of them, the benefits and of course the experiences.

As always…

Become legendary,

– Subliminal Club