Welcome to the Thirteenth Day of the

Subliminal Master Course.

We’ll continue talking about the subliminal industry today. We have been talking quite a bit about it, but it is such an important topic for anyone who desires to know more about subliminals that we cannot skip it.

This is the last day of talking about it though – the next e-mails will be covering the different types of subliminals with many testimonials and useful information that you’ll be able to utilize, so things are going to get even more interesting.

Let’s start.

Other Modalities and Subliminal Club

There is an inherent drive in everyone to improve, to become better. This is called self-actualization and it is one of the things that separates humans from all other beings.

But is all self-actualization equal?

We say it’s not.

It’s not about whether it works, it’s about how well it works.

You could dig a massive hole with a spoon, sure, but you could do it quite a bit faster with a shovel.

And if you were to get an excavator, you’ll have your hole dug right away.

Self-actualization is similar.

Some might not know it, but the co-founders of Subliminal Club have many years (decades) of experience in numerous different cultures, ways of self-improvement, spiritual traditions and practices.

And It’s not some kind of massive secret either, as it has been talked about on the Subliminal Club forums.

So let’s not lie to ourselves here.

While there are many ways up the mountain, some are better for specific individuals, and some ways are simply objectively better and faster than others.

It is the same when you are dealing with subliminals and any other modality that people like to pair with them.

That is why we’ll go over some of these modalities and tell you about them, so that you can have a more informed mental picture formed. We’ll also be touching on some spiritual topics. If this is not something you are personally interested in, do keep an open mind and continue reading, as knowing about some of these areas might be of use to you.

Let’s start from affirmations, the most basic form of subconscious influence.


Affirmations, in essence, are sentences that you repeat for a set number of times. Over time these affirmations seep into your subconscious mind and cause your subconscious to enact change according to these instructions.

Very simple process, and you can do some interesting things with it.

In fact, affirmations have been a tool that we have used for hundreds of years in all kinds of different traditions. An example of this are mantras with the oldest one being 3500 years old and coming from the Sanskrit language. Mantras however, have an inherent spiritual quality to them, with many only revealing their full effect after careful preparation and activation.

But affirmations also show up in other spiritual traditions. You can even find direct talk about subconscious influence in some of the very foundational texts of some spiritual traditions. An example of this you can find in the very first, basic preparatory book of Franz Bardon who practiced hermeticism – although the knowledge about the subconscious mind outlined there is just scratching the surface.

It doesn’t stop there however – some spiritual practices also have an effect on the subconscious mind and can enter the processing queue. Christian prayer and mantra meditation are some examples of this.

But what about utilizing affirmations, mantras, and other repetition-based practices for changing the self?

The problem here is comprised of multiple aspects.

1) You have to have enough input in the processing queue to achieve profound results. All these techniques simply lack enough volume since you have to repeat them by yourself.

2) They are poorly scripted. This is both because of a lack of technical knowledge, but also because a properly scripted affirmation would take even longer to repeat. Unless we are talking spiritual mantras, but in this case, you need preparation, guidance and knowledge to ensure that the mantras are real – sadly, much of the modern knowledge of mantras and spiritual affirmations is watered down.

3) When you are utilizing cutting edge subliminal technology, affirmations become nearly useless because of the vast amounts of subliminal input.

All in all, affirmations aren’t really worth your time if you are running our subliminals. The best use you could get out of affirmations is a tiny bit of conscious guidance. If you have a spiritual practice that works with affirmations, feel free to continue them, but keep in mind that your processing queue is already likely filled up.

Brainwave Frequencies/Binaural Beats

An interesting concept – listening to frequencies that will gradually shift your mental state.

We naturally, throughout our days and nights, shift our brain state to that state which is most appropriate and useful for the situation.

During sleep, our brainwave frequencies naturally get slower allowing for proper sleep.

Same occurs during meditation – the brain’s frequencies get slower while still keeping conscious awareness.

So wouldn’t it be useful to be able to get into a more deeper state that allows for higher creativity for example?

Not necessarily.

The different brain states are there for a reason. There is no great benefit in attempting to stay in a deep state throughout your day (especially considering it is a temporary state) – only if you were to listen to them during meditation, deep work or some spiritual practice. Here there is some benefit as it can allow you to enter into a deeper state allowing for more deep-level work if you know what you are doing – but it is important not to use these as a crutch to replace lack of skill and practice. Instead, use it to train and build experience in those deeper states, and then achieve them on your own.

Now to continue – the higher brain states are there for a reason, so attempting to replace them with a deep state for every moment in your day is going to be counterproductive.

Furthermore, our subliminals naturally, when it is needed, guide your brainwaves to the optimal state needed for processing and execution of the subliminal. You cannot consciously know when you need to be in a specific mind state that is currently needed for optimal processing and execution, and consequently listen to the needed brain frequency.

You can’t, but your subconscious can.

In other words, by listening to external brainwave frequencies you are potentially throwing off balance not just your natural brain state rhythm, but also the one that the subliminal is guiding you towards.

All in all – they can have some limited use, but we recommend not utilizing brainwave frequencies as it can mess with the natural rhythm and the guidance of our subliminals.

As a side note, utilizing brain frequencies in subliminals is basically a gimmick that quite a few subliminal producers and companies love to use. Developing and innovating actual subliminal technology is an incredibly expensive and extensive process (when doing it correctly), but any subliminal producer or company can always just add brainwave frequencies, claim it is therefore special and call it a day. However, even the most basic but properly made subliminal will guide your state naturally and in a much more effective manner than brain frequencies.


Hypnosis – a method of altering the current state of consciousness in order to create change.

In essence, hypnosis works on both the subconscious and conscious minds. If we were to split it up, we can say that 70% of the work is on the conscious mind, and 30% on the subconscious when utilizing hypnosis.

It occurs in a still awake but deeply relaxed state (around alpha/theta brainwave state), so in hypnosis you are working predominantly with your conscious mind.

Can this work?


Hypnosis can be quite effective as it works directly with the conscious mind. While the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, many people completely ignore what the conscious mind is capable of.

Consider the fact that due to your conscious mind you have the ability to be conscious of these words.

And while this process is supported by the subconscious, this is still no small feat.

Hypnosis however, has its own issues.

1) It has stagnated as an industry. Similarly to the subliminal industry that we are now revolutionizing, the hypnosis industry has been stagnant for decades with very little innovation occurring. There are incredible ways to work with the mind and the majority of the hypnosis industry has no idea this is the case – nor do they seem interested in learning more about other ways to work with the mind.

2) Hypnotists are not utilizing the subconscious mind. When you are utilizing hypnosis, you need to recognize the incredibly important support that the subconscious mind provides and use it to your advantage. Even though this is just 30% of the hypnotic process, it is incredibly important.

3) It cannot get you very far. You need constant hypnotherapy treatments or to constantly listen to the same track over and over to create the tiniest conscious shift. Furthermore, you cannot have the same holistic and overarching progress that you can achieve with subliminals.

4) It is not efficient. Similarly to the previous point, you need quite a bit of hypnotherapy to get good results.

In essence, hypnosis can be quite useful when used as a deeper conscious state shift. It might not be able to create the same life-changing, extremely deep and profound inner change and transformation as subliminals, but when made properly (especially when taking into account the subconscious mind), they have an excellent purpose for creating a “click” in your conscious mind that allows you to more easily drive forward your subliminal results.

This is exactly the principle behind our supercharger – now LIFE(Charger) – line of programs.

LIFE(Chargers) utilize the incredibly dense and rapidly acting Terminus and Terminus Squared type of Q subliminal technology alongside carefully and optimally created hypnosis that helps you “click” into the state that will help you take action according to your goals and the subliminal, creating a powerful process of self-change.

But such technology has to be created properly and correctly. Even a single mistake or the tiniest lack of technical expertise (or general knowledge) can lead to underwhelming results.

We’ve noticed this many times with copycats who attempt to take our concept of LIFE(Chargers), claim they created it and giving it their own name (such as Primers) and then fail due to not knowing what they are doing – causing barely any change or even harming their customers.

Continuing onwards, due to hypnosis having a 70/30% split, hypnosis is not always useful when dealing with cutting edge subliminal technology. In other words, there is some input into the processing queue, making it less effective when paired with the most advanced subliminals. This is why hypnosis needs to be made with subliminal usage and the conscious/subconscious split in mind. With the majority of hypnosis tracks you’ll get okay changes – nothing special and definitely not life-changing.

To summarize – hypnosis can have some excellent short-term state change uses when created with subliminal usage in mind that can help you drive results forward, which is why we created LIFE(Chargers). But if you are pairing random hypnosis with the latest in subliminal technology you are likely not going to get very far.


Let’s talk about frequencies such as the Schumann resonance and the different Solfeggio frequencies which are purported to change the vibration of each individual and create change through this mechanism.

Can this create change?

Not really.

From those testers that seemed to have been affected by these, we have only noticed light, temporary state shifts from frequencies.

This makes sense – even if there is a spiritual mechanism at work with the frequencies, there needs to be actual, deep change occurring within the individual for any change to last.

This is actually one of the biggest problems in most spirituality-based audio – the change that is created is not deep enough to help the user truly transform their life.

Now, there are some rare frequency-like technologies and techniques that we have found in our research to have some interesting effects on the psyche and the physical brain itself – however these require deep research to be utilized and are not yet available, not to mention nearly completely unknown (you won’t find them anywhere). We are conducting further research into these.

Moreover, we have found the functions of frequencies to be massively overshadowed by subliminals. Will there be a niche use for them like for LIFE(Chargers)? Unlikely but it is possible. Research is needed.

For now frequencies out there can, at most, be used for some very light state shifting. It’s not going to cause lasting change, but it can be used to shift your current state if you have no other option.

Audio Infused With Energy

A type of audio that has been around a while, and has now been seeing a bit more interest in some communities.

You can see these audios all over – from gurus that promise all kinds of blessings if you listen to their tracks, to audios that claim they have energy imbued within them.

These have their own problems which are quite interesting to look at. If you are skeptical of spiritual topics (or even of just audio infused with energy), get ready.

Let’s start.

1) They are extremely dependent on their creator. While a subliminal can work with your own supremely powerful subconscious in ways nothing else can, the energetic audio is often constricted by the abilities of the creator. In our day and age, there is an extremely small number of very advanced spiritual individuals who would be capable of imbuing their energy into a file on a good enough level (and it’s even more unlikely that any would consider doing it).

Remember, it’s not about whether it’s possible – it’s about how well it works. Anyone can sit down, meditate for an hour or two with some visualization and then say “this audio can do this and this” and create a slight buzz in the user. The actual development of the creator and subsequent research is what is most important – and like any other self-improvement tool, it must be exposed to rigorous research.

2) Which brings us to our next problem. There is simply not enough research on energetic audio. Now, research on spiritual energy in itself is quite slow in general – the greatest leaps are being made in quantum physics in fact – but this does not mean research can be omitted. In our research into energetic audio and experiments with it, we have found interesting phenomena.

Namely, only about 10% of testers reported change that lasted for longer than a day. Interestingly, when testing all kinds of creators – from the smallest one to the largest, most popular ones, and even including contacts that were interested in creating these as a hobby and testers trying their hand at it, we have found the difference in the length of change to not be significant.

We did however, notice a state shift occurring in testers, in the most favorable cases on a similar level to hypnosis. We concluded that this is due to two factors:

  1. The “receptivity” of the user.
  2. The spiritual development of the creator.

The more “receptive” the user is, the more likely was the energetic audio to cause a shift. This receptiveness wasn’t strongly correlated to spiritual development. This is because spiritual development in itself can cause lesser receptivity due to natural development of innate defenses.

The more skilled and spiritually developed the creator is, the stronger the shift in the user was.

Now, these shifts were transient in nature. In fact, no testers reported any change to last longer than 3 days, with 60% reporting effects ending on the first day, 30% on second day, and the last 10% on the final, third day. No changes were reported or observed after the third day, and no permanent or lasting change was reported or observed.

We concluded that this is due to energy itself and because of the external nature of it.

Which brings us to…

3) Any shift is temporary, and to continue receiving the same benefit you have to continue being exposed to the energetic audio. We have not observed any deep inner growth, even in testers who listened for over 3 months. The benefits were static – similar to a blanket being put on you, or an overlay covering you.

4) And of course, we have also found that in some cases this energetic audio can directly cause harm to users. There are some creators who utilize less than optimal energy, some who utilize harmful energy, and in many cases a user’s energy is simply not compatible with the creator’s energy. This is quite common regardless of the creator of the audio, and we have seen many anecdotal reports from all over – and while anecdotal reports are not considered to be of the necessary scientific quality to base things on, they are data that provides useful information nonetheless.

5) Furthermore, there is no evolution of the audio. With a properly made subliminal, you can grow indefinitely. It is like buying a bench press set with a full assortment of weights or gymnastic rings – they will serve you even if you have the chest akin to the greatest bodybuilders. Energetic audio on the other hand, is limited to energy that is dependent on its creator. If a creator attempts to mimic the growth ability of a subliminal, that means relying on thought forms or other constructs, and very likely the user’s energy as well. This often results in further problems. Attempting to code the energy to use the subconscious mind as the source of the growth is inefficient and at worst potentially harmful. A foreign energy attempting to work with the subconscious mind, which has incredible innate defenses against anything that might cause it harm – not good prospects, to say the least. Truthfully, you might as well just use a subliminal if you want to work with the subconscious mind.

6) Finally, an audio imbued with energy can interfere with your own natural energy and the guidance of the energy through a subliminal. If a subliminal helps guide your own natural energy to achieve a goal such as a sexual aura, an audio imbued with energy could interfere with and hamper such processes. In essence, you would largely lose the benefits of developing your own internal energy over time through the subliminal, interfere with potentially groundbreaking processes that are occurring on an energetic level due to the subliminal input, and inhibit the aura that is naturally created through this input, all for a light overlay of external energy and extremely transient results.

To sum it up – can audio with energy be useful?

In some rare cases, yes, but we recommend not using them with our own products – and we have researched this thoroughly.

In general they can be used for temporary state shifts on a level rarely equal and in the majority of cases weaker than hypnosis, but these temporary state shifts do not outweigh the massive cons that they have.

Hypnosis on average is quite a bit more effective than audio with energy in causing more lasting state shifts and change.

If you desire to use these, please be mindful of yourself and your energy. It is best if you have experience with spiritual modalities and working with energy. Again, please do not use these with our subliminals.


It’s only fair that we go over subliminals as well.

Subliminals have the most incredible potential amongst all the different modalities, but the biggest issue with subliminals is the need for incredibly in-depth research to uncover this potential.

Without research it is impossible to create an even slightly more advanced subliminal – and it’s one of the reasons why the subliminal industry has been stagnated for decades. There is no company or producer out there ready, willing, able and funded well enough to invest the hundreds of thousands of dollars into subliminal research.

Except us.

Now, subliminals are at an excellent point – there is no concrete, observable limit to the heights of subliminal technology and they can be made constantly improving and growable with the individual if the technology is developed enough, while being fully natural due to working in tandem with the user’s energy, state, beliefs and the multitudes of subconscious structures.

And of course, the change they create, if made properly, is the deepest of all modalities. They can shift the deepest held beliefs and thoughts, causing the user to truly become who they desire to be, rather than just shift their energy for a tiny bit or affect their mood for a couple of hours.

While this does come with the process of reconciliation, this is not some grand problem – when compared with what is possible to achieve through it, a couple of hours of a negative mood state or reconciliation fog is more than worth it.

In fact, we routinely receive e-mails and reports from our customers that a couple of months of working with our subliminals has resulted in more inner growth and change in their lives than what they’ve experienced in years (in some cases decades).

The other issue with subliminals is the matter of trust. Subliminals are incredible tools of self-transformation, they are not toys. They work with the subconscious mind, your greatest and most powerful ally that can change your life on the grandest of scales.

Hence they require trust in the producer/company.

And yet, many producers and companies happily abuse this trust users will put forth and create harmful subliminals (due to maliciousness, harmful self-gain or lack of knowledge), or even simply sell empty files (we have had many copycats throughout the years attempt to copy us while selling empty files, it’s more common than you think).

That is why it’s incredibly important to be mindful from where you listen to and purchase your subliminals, and why it’s paramount to be aware of those who are happy to deceive you and steal from others.

Even if you do not listen to our subliminals, we strongly recommend that you build up a relationship with your chosen company/producer and it’s users.

Having a trusted subliminal company on your side ensures you will always have access to some of the most profound modern tools of self-transformation on your side – tools that 99% of people never had and never will have access to. And you’ll make sure you keep your subconscious mind healthy and functioning well – accept only the best, never skimp out on your development and your subconscious mind, as the subconscious is your most powerful tool and ally!

And if you do decide to or are already using our subliminals, we encourage you to come join our forums  and contact us if you have any questions.

We would be happy to help you achieve your greatest dreams through our cutting edge subliminal technology – that we can safely say is the most advanced in the world.

Daily Experience

Let’s take a look at today’s experience.

Here is Invictus’ experience on WANTED:

So guys, I wasn’t going to update anything today, was actually waiting for the week to be over first before I updated, but BOY DO I HAVE AN UPDATE:

So it’s been 2 months, 2 months of WANTED being available and 2 months of me running it. It’s been quite a ride if I’m being honest, there has been no bad days for me, except the first few days when I slept for way too long (14+ hours) and the feeling of my workouts not being enough at times, but other than that, WANTED is hands down the best sub on here, in my opinion, and anyone looking to improve the quality of their life should really give it a go.

For the price of 34.99$ you’re getting the following:

  • better sense of style: including clothes, hairstyle and cuts, posture, shoe choices, learning about and applying new grooming techniques, even the style of talking and texting.

  • a sense of authenticity: embracing any and all imperfections and truly acknowledging your worth, anxiety and depressive thoughts would feel like nothing but a once in a while thought, furthermore, you’re going to stop taking things for granted and be more grateful for everything.

  • physical attractiveness: from harmony of your facial features, to the little scars you might have from acne, everything will get better, and the more effort you put into your looks, the better you’ll look if you were to do those things without WANTED on the side.

  • popularity and halo-effect: while that might not be expected from a subliminal aimed at making you mysterious, mystery isn’t the only objective here, your aura of attractiveness will be so powerful that not only will you be showered with kindness and respect, but people will talk to you, ask you out and be around you more, which will lead to you becoming more and more popular.

WANTED is here.

Final Words

This was quite a long e-mail, but it is a topic that was likely on your mind already.

You’ll notice that many of these modalities aren’t too useful for the purposes of actual self-development – more for temporary changes of mood or mental state, and rarely for achieving deeper states of mind.

Remember that the question isn’t whether it works, it’s “how well does it work?”.

When considered against this question, things become clearer.

And even the first question cannot readily be answered, as we have found some of these to just straight not work at times. For example some audios infused with energy simply did not work (even those from popular creators), and some testers do not respond to hypnosis.

What we did find for subliminals through our experiments is that, simply put, they work.

In other words, subliminals should not be lumped together with other modalities – they are their own field with their own concepts, research, experiments and technologies.

And finally, subliminals reign supreme when it comes to true, permanent, life-changing results and effects.

In the next e-mail we’ll talk about additional hobbies and practices that can help subliminal processing, reconciliation and your results in general. And after that we’ll finally start talking about the different types of subliminals and share some more experiences with you.

Become legendary,

– Subliminal Club