Welcome to the Twelfth Day of the

Subliminal Master Course.

Today we’ll go over common misbeliefs, misconceptions and myths when it comes to subliminals.

There’s plenty to go over, so let’s get started.

“You Must Believe!”

The one connected to what we talked about in the previous e-mail – relying on your belief and nothing else to achieve results.

Belief does not matter when you are dealing with cutting edge subliminal technology. It only has some effect when the subliminal in question is rudimentary, as it increases the processing queue’s load potentially as much as a very basic subliminal – but this effect is unnoticeable when you are using the latest technology.

You must never rely solely on your belief.

Instead, use that which has been proven to work, use all of it and towards a unified purpose – action, listening wisely to properly made subliminals and journaling are the cores that will help you achieve that which you desire.

The more you focus on these three principles (especially action) the more incredible results you’ll see appearing in your life.

For those who think – “but my belief is incredibly powerful and I’m a spiritual master!”, consider the fact that we have seen customers rise up from the deepest lows to become successful (millionaires), happy, in great relationships, for example OldChap – you can read his experiences here.

And this is just scratching the surface – we have had an incredible amount of mind-blowing reports from people utilizing these three principles.

We invite you to compare the results of such just-believe-hard-enough “spiritual masters”, and men and women who have gone out there and achieved their dreams with the help of our subliminals.

You Don’t Need Action – Your Mind Is Limitless

Another common misconception which inevitably results in barely any results.

It’s important to remember that no matter how limitless your subconscious mind is, there are still laws of the physical universe including the capabilities of your physical brain that require action to be taken for profound results.

Can you get results without taking any action?

On our subliminals yes, but only to an extent, and you would be doing a huge disservice to yourself if you are not taking action.

If you are not taking action, then your subconscious mind must work on creating extremely intricate and long-winding ways to achieve the results you desire.

When you take action, you are massively helping your subconscious as now it does not need to take into account your inaction – but can work alongside you and massively shorten the length of time it takes for results to manifest in your life.

You Can Listen To As Many Subliminals As You Want

It is actually quite simple.

If you are listening to rudimentary subliminals, then yes you can have dozens of subliminals in your stack because they are barely creating a subliminal input within your processing queue.

But once you start utilizing real subliminal technology, you will quickly notice that you cannot follow this incomplete thought – you will rapidly fill the processing queue with subliminal input and cause deep reconciliation.

All Rules In Subliminals Are Just Limiting Beliefs!

When someone believes this idea, they will say that you can stack as many subliminals as you want, that the quality of the subliminal does not matter at all because the subconscious is all-powerful, that the focus of the subliminal (i.e topic) does not matter, etc.

In other words, any structure in subliminal listening suddenly is a limiting belief and if you just had no such limiting beliefs, you would achieve results.

This is simply another type of “you have to believe hard enough”.

The reality however, is very different – there are best practices to utilize when listening to subliminals.

It’s not about limiting beliefs – it is about knowledge and using this knowledge to transform your life with actual results.

That is exactly why we recommend to always take action, listen wisely and journal, as we have proven through incredibly in-depth research that this works.

You Can Turn Off Parts Of The Script

Some will claim you can simply “turn off” a part of a subliminal that you don’t like.

If you are using a basic subliminal, then the input is weak enough to allow you to process the part of the subliminal without too much effect if you are using conscious guidance, but this occurrence is moderately rare as conscious guidance requires experience and knowledge of the subconscious mind and it’s mechanisms – something which doesn’t happen often in those who use the usual, free subliminals that most listen to.

In other words, a part of the population will still feel the parts of a script they were trying to avoid, and a part will be able to “brave through” the effects. Of course, the magnitude of the effects are dependent on how much you listened to it.

However, on more advanced subliminals this is a different story. All input will be processed in time, regardless of whether you want it to or not, and all input will have some effect on you eventually, which depends, again, mainly on how much you listened to alongside a multitude of other factors.

Ultimately, you cannot simply “turn off” parts of a script. Conscious guidance can help you guide the results and minimize effects so that you achieve your desired results, but complete shutdown of a part of the script?

Not something that is going to happen.

“Instant” Results

Instant results.

A favorite topic of all who are interested in subliminals.

Here’s the thing.

You might have instant results, but it’s important to distinguish whether they are ephemeral changes in your body language and energetics, or is it a change that happened in the deepest core of your being.

If you are looking for the first one, yes, you can experience this with nearly any subliminal, even the simplest one, in just an hour of your time.

It’s not going to last though, a couple of hours at most.

We deal with the second one – true, permanent development of your being.

And our technology has developed to such a point that many of our customers experience an initial bloom of results that happen on a deep level, causing a rapid development in the user’s being before starting work on even deeper levels.

This is when the processing queue starts getting saturated and reconciliation occurs – an incredibly profound process of inner transformation begins, which is only possible on the most advanced of subliminals.


Bundling is the process of “bundling together” i.e combining different subliminals – even those that are in different topics, and even those that are from different producers and companies.

The use of this is extremely limited.

The only possible usage of this is with extremely basic subliminals, but even with those it is best to avoid bundling.

This is because when you put subliminals through this process, you are directly degrading the subliminal in question. Basic subliminals don’t require much effort or work, and due to the lack of development in such subliminals, they aren’t as affected by bundling – which is why some individuals believe that bundling helps them achieve better results. In other words, rudimentary subliminals when bundled together are not as affected by the bundling process as more advanced ones, so they retain more of their structure and increase their overall subconscious input, resulting in more pronounced effects.

But when you put through a cutting edge subliminal that has been carefully fine-tuned and crafted through meticulous processes and research, you won’t just throw off the balance of the subliminal but you will completely demolish the subliminal in question. You won’t get any real benefit, and here’s the thing – the benefit of increasing subconscious input through bundling is inconsequential because a cutting edge subliminal will already have more subconscious input than a bundle could ever hope for.

Ultimately, bundling an advanced subliminal is a waste of time and at that point, you might as well listen to random ambient noise.

“Forced” Subliminals

Forced subliminals use scripting that aim to force the user to execute the scripting in the subliminal.

99% of the subliminals that use this are based on archaic technology, so in the first place you will not be hitting enough subliminal saturation to achieve proper results.

And even if you did, “forcing” is not going to produce better results. In fact, by “forcing” a subliminal script to execute you are pushing the subconscious to take extremely sub-optimal routes of execution and manifestation, and you are naturally hitting each user’s subconscious’ natural defenses.

“Forcing” is going to be extremely counter-productive and cause an intense defensive response in the subconscious mind – and not because the subconscious is undergoing development, but because it has to filter and protect against this “forced” scripting.

There is an art and science to maximizing the effect of subliminal input and having the subconscious work with the program.

Hypnosis-based Subliminals

Hypnosis-based subliminals are those subliminals which are mostly based on principles from hypnosis. Can this give some results? Of course, with enough repetition they can.

The problem with hypnosis-based subliminals is that hypnosis has to work through the conscious mind, whereas subliminals go directly to the subconscious mind.

This means that the vast majority of the techniques that hypnosis employs is unnecessary and at times, potentially even harmful, because of the way the subconscious could react.

It is important to understand and distinguish subliminals as its own field of study. Sure, they both are fields that focus on development of the individual and self-growth, but they do so from different angles. Attempting to take principles from hypnosis that were designed with the conscious in mind and sticking them into a subliminal format where the main focus is working directly with the subconscious mind is at best, foolish and shows a lack of subliminal-creating knowledge, and at worst either harmful, ignorant or malicious.

Avoid mistaking the two and thinking they are the same – there are highly important distinctions between the two, and one must be cognizant of them. Be wary of and scrutinize individuals who claim their hypnosis experience or certifications grant them subliminal knowledge and experience.

Daily Experience

Let’s check out today’s daily experience:

Here is Xavier’s experience:

What up. What up. WHAT THE $@#@ is… Up. Bichar here. 

Lol. Had to do that for how amazing these last 2 weeks have been. Everything is amazing. Incredible. FANTABULUS. This is going to be my permanent loop package I swear. Been so busy TAKING ACTION.

So Life Updates:

  • Moved to a new city… Can’t say which one but… It is a city where every house is worth around 1M and It’s been on my vision board since forever. I always wanted to live here. And the greatest happiest day in my life was moving here.
  • Joined a Frat, now… I am now a frat boy and I love it. Join the Top Frat at my university… All the guys here are fucking amazing. I love them so much. They’re not typical frat boys… they’re dudes who are part of amazing organizations, heavily involved in charity and all are BEAUTIES. (thats a Canadian word… If you ever hear “your such a beauty”… He’s Canadian.)
  • Business has officially recovered from the shit month of August
  • Have about right now 8 girls I’m talking to/hooked up with. All I’ve met in like my first 2 weeks here.
  • Motivated and super driven…
  • 100% on all my classes so far…
  • I live at the sickest room with my best friends in this $5M house where I have a pool and 2 fireplaces… we host parties, brunch Saturdays…
  • Spiritually I am amazing… I feel so connected to god and I am so so grateful I am living this life.

Anyways… LETS GO!

Night Loop: StarkQ + HOM

Noticeable differences

  1. SO…!@#!IN’… MOTIVATED TO BUILD MY LIFE… This has been a bit of a struggle with emperor where I don’t feel happy and I never think about anything else but my business… but I noticed it has caused me to thoroughly define how I want my life to be… Like the type of friends I want. The events I go to. The long term business partners I want to execute my vision along with. The type of loving, passionate, motivated man I want to become. It’s caused me to really sit down and build the life of my dreams but also makes me so fired up and optimistic that I am capable of doing that. I see the freaking results
  2. Focus on relationships – one quote that keeps popping up in my mind is… “your network is your…net worth.” I realize that everything you want in life is through People. Having the right team and people is everything. A business is a group of people coming together to build things or solve problems. So everything has been focused on really building relationship.
  3. social iQ has been increasing exponentially – dude… this has been crazy maybe it’s HOM but my social intelligence has reached a new level. I’ve been really cognitive of my actions and how it affects people and also hyper attentive to not only what people say but what they say behind the lines… Like… I’m asking them how they FEEL and truly learned a lesson on CONNECTION and how to create that bond. I also learned through my new friends how to respect boundaries and my mistakes of not seeing things from another perspective.
  4. so CHARMING AND CHARISMATIC? -… “dude your the most charismatic person I ever met.” is something I have heard over and over again. From the frat guys to the friends. Stark is coming out heavy on this one
  5. SUPER FUNNY. AND LOVING LIFE – I realize now I have this ability to manage to switch between super hardworking business guy and student (HOM) to like the chillest and funniest dude (Stark) it’s crazy but I think they balance each other exceptionally well. Stark tends to be terrible when it comes to remaining focused on what’s important, and HOM tends to be terrible with taking things too seriously. Lol I find myself making so many jokes that I haven’t felt in ages.

Day Loop: WantedQ + Limitless Exec (or RICH)

I feel like in constant flow state.

Noticeable differences

  1. Flow state… this is pure Wanted taking over. whenever I pop it in I get into instant flow state. It’s ridiculous but I feel like how I always did when Im in a flow state when I used to go out alot. That flow state where everything you say people tune into? The flow state when your so in the moment the girl can’t stop giggling uncontrollably because your so … so… interesting. I find myself in this flow state playing with girls… I’ll go hot and cold and constantly tease girls lmao. This is so easy when I’m talking to girls.
  2. This is something I’ve noticed on wanted… but girls just asking for my instagram?? I get girls just literally ask for my instagram or number when I meet them lol. This NEVER HAPPENED on Emperor. Maybe it’s Stark combining with Wanted making me seem approachable.
  3. When im focused. I am FOCUSED.

I have amazing friends, don’t have to worry about money. I go to the university of my dreams. I have a social circle I love. I love my life man. Thank you sub club @SaintSovereign @RVconsultant … This has been the stack I needed and literally spoke to me. I cannot wait for ZP.

This has been a stack of StarkQ, WANTED, House of Medici, R.I.C.H and Limitless Executive.

Final Words

Sadly, for the last couple of decades the subliminal industry has been stagnating, and as one of the many consequences the knowledge of subliminal technology has been deteriorating and becoming more and more diluted by ideas that have limited or auxiliary relation to subliminal technology.

Subliminals are both a science and an art – they are a science in that there are objectively better ways to do things and due to the fact subliminals contain factors that can be measured and repeated, and an art because of the incredible creativity that subliminals can be used for, as well as the creative capacity needed to create truly outstanding subliminals.

To advance the subliminal industry, objective, researched factors must be established – and that is what we are doing.

In the next e-mail we’ll go over the subliminal industry some more, as well as the modalities that people often pair with subliminals.

Become legendary,

– Subliminal Club